Saturday, October 23, 2010


God loves you whether you are a “Christian” or not! He loves you so much that He provided a way for you and Him to be together both now and after you physically die.

If you have lived in this world very long you must realize that you (and everyone else) have done things that are: wrong, immoral, mean spirited, full of anger, jealousy, bitterness and the list goes on. These kinds of things separate us from having a relationship with God.

God is Holy; He cannot allow us (humanity) to have access to Him for eternity in the state we are in. Because He loves us, He planned from the beginning of time to provide a way for us to call out to Him and to change our relationship with Him so that we can always have access to Father God. It requires our choice though; God wants us to want an intimate relationship with Him.

For any intimate relationship to work well, you need both sides to be honest and open in their communication. They both have to want to be with the other person. It always requires some sacrificing of one’s own needs or wants for the other person in the relationship.

So God decided to come to earth as a man, Jesus. Father God called Jesus – Son of God. As previously stated intimate relationships require sacrificing our own needs for another. Jesus came to sacrifice himself so that we could have an intimate relationship with Him and Father God.

You might be asking; what do I have to sacrifice for this relationship with God? There is the beauty of what God did for you and me. All we have to do is acknowledge that we have not always acted in love toward other people or toward ourselves for that matter. We do have to believe that Jesus came in the flesh here on earth as the Son of God to provide the sacrifice that is required for us to have an intimate relationship with God. How simple is that!

Read through this with me:

God I want to know You and have a relationship with You. I am sorry for the way I have treated other people & how I’ve thought about myself in the negative. I want that to change. I believe that You sent Jesus, Your Son to earth to sacrifice His life for me so that I can have that intimate relationship with You & Jesus; now and in eternity.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now in relationship with Father God and Jesus, welcome to the Family of God.


When you spoke to God and read that paragraph with me, you got a bonus package also. God’s Spirit came into your heart to live there permanently. His Spirit put a label (seal) on you that says you now belong to God. It’s like having a living breathing person/passport/ATM card living inside of you. Now it is up to you to learn how to communicate (talk) with God, allow Him to teach you about Himself and show you how to live a life full of joy and peace.

A good place to start is to get a bible in a language you can understand, like the New Living Translation or New International Version. I would suggest you start with the Book of John which is in the second part of the bible called the New Testament.

What does this all have to do with inner healing? It will be much easier now for you to be able to receive healing in those deep places of your soul because God is living in you. Often times people find that they have received a lot of healing by just doing what you did, beginning that relationship with God.

Please allow me to say a blessing over you: Father, I bless this dear one that has just joined our Family. What an adventure you will have with Father God, Jesus and the Spirit. Lord I ask that You protect their relationship with You and grow it in ever greater intimacy day by day.

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