Most everything related to Inner Healing has these components: forgiveness, repentance and cessation (stopping) from harmful and/or sinful behaviors (internal as well as external). There are many ways to accomplish Inner Healing (which is what this website is about).
I was pretty convinced that I personally didn’t need inner healing, because 1) I’d been a Christian for many years and I looked pretty good from the outside. 2) I had worked as a psychiatric nurse on an inpatient ward and believed that they, the patients, were what it looked like if you were in real need of inner healing. This is to just name a few of the false beliefs I held. Needless to say, denial is an interesting coping mechanism and it is not always a healthy one.
In order to take the class at Redding all attendees had to go through a SOZO ministry session prior to going to the classes. That is probably where I first realized I had some pretty big issues that needed healing (Duh!).
In the next few blogs I’ll be leading you through what I learned from SOZO and how to get started on your inner healing journey.
This link will get you to the SOZO Bethel site if you are in the area and want a live inner healing session.
For those of you that are leading others through an Inner Healing journey, this link will get you to some great resource for SOZO.
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