These prayers are for you to read and pray through prior to and after each ministry session. Or use one of your own. Make sure your heart is ready for the Lords healing touch and that you give Him thanks. I have prayed over the prayers and everything on this website to be sanctified for your use.

OPENING PRAYER prior to ministry:

Lord, I thank You for all You did on the Cross and the power of Your blood to cleanse me of all sin. I accept that Your broken body that You willingly laid down for me was for my complete healing.

I choose to be a yielded vessel for Your healing in this ministry process.

You Lord have given me authority to come against the enemy, so I receive by faith Your divine protection against any distraction, interference or harassment. I especially bind all spirits of fear, unbelief and unworthiness.

Holy Spirit I invite You to come along side me during this healing session.

Lord I give You all the honor, praise and glory for what happens here today. Amen 

CLOSING PRAYER after a healing session:

Lord I am grateful for what You have done today. Thank You for the freedom and healing I have received. I also thank You for Your grace that helps me in my commitment to keep going in this healing process until Your work is accomplished in me.

I want to grow in my relationship with You Lord and experience the Father’s heart for me in greater and greater degrees. I am Your child, made in Your image so I know that I am safe in Your care and that You will never leave me.

The enemy has no hold on me because of the Blood of Christ. For whom You set free is free indeed. Amen

MY PRAYER for you:

Lord I ask that You protect and seal all that has been done today for this Your child. Bless them with Your peace and confidence that as they gain freedom through healing that their relationship with You will grow stronger and that they will hear Your voice more clearly. Amen