If you have not done so already please go to FATHER LADDER Part 1 and Part 2, pray through those prayers first.
In the article prior to this one on PATTERNS you learned how Father God and Jesus relate to your earthly fathers, brothers, sisters and friends. In this article you will begin to understand how your relationship with your mother and other mother figures, as you were growing up, effects how you experience the Holy Spirit.
Our mothers, natural, steps and mother figures were supposed to instill in us an ability to nurture and bring comfort to others. When mothers nurture their children it gives the children a sense of approval about themselves. They learn how to receive teaching and correction in a healthy manner.
With that in mind, I am going to ask you a series of questions to help you feel and think. So as you did before please use pencil, pen, paper and journals to write down your thoughts and feelings (positive and negative.) For convenience I am just going to use the word MOTHER but that will include step-mothers and mother figures.
STRETCH – Take a moment to stand up and stretch. Get yourself a bottle of water. Remember to breathe nice slow breaths occasionally.
As you read these questions, if there is no pain when you bring up the memories, that is just fine. Don’t try to dredge up old feelings if you have already worked through the issues.
What is your first thought when you think about your mother?
What is the feeling or feelings that come up within you when you think about her?
Did you ever feel abandon by your mother?
What were the circumstances surrounding that issue?
Did your mother abuse you? Verbally, physically, sexually?
What do you think your mother would say about you as a child?
Describe your most painful and/or positive experience with your mother.
Sometimes this process of remembering can be very painful and upsetting. But I can assure you if that is the case, what it is doing to you on the inside of your body is even worse. That is why we are going back over these areas, to get them healed and so can have a healthy vibrant relationship with God.
If you need too at this time, get-up, walk around, take-in some air. STRETCH
Okay are you ready! Let’s move forward.
Read back over what you have written down. Now take a red pen or pencil, go back over it and circle every word that has a negative description to it. Examples would be: mean, never there for me, hit me, sexually or verbally abused me, etc.
Now go back over your answers to the questions a second time using a blue pen or pencil and circle all of the positive descriptive words and fun times, etc.
On a separate piece of paper make 2 columns, one titled Negative and the other one Positive. Under the Negative column list all of the words circled in red that described your relationship with your mother.
Now do the same in the Positive column with the words you circled in blue.
Most people’s lists have more words in one column than the other, this is normal.
Have your paper that has the 2 columns of words on it in front of you.Quickly read through the prayer of forgiveness (below) once.
Holy Spirit I choose to forgive my natural mother (mother figure) for _____________________. I renounce the lie and the stronghold that the Holy Spirit is like my natural mother (mother figure) and that He will treat me in the same way. I receive the truth that the Holy Spirit is my Comforter and Teacher. I receive this truth NOW in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now I want you to go back to that pray and put whatever you called your mother or mother figure (example, Mom) in the prayer where it says natural mother (mother figure).
Then in the area after the word “for” insert the 1st word from the list of negative words in your column. Repeat that 1st sentence over for each negative word or feeling.
Make a fist of one of your hands and place it over your heart. Now go on to pray this prayer:
Lord I release my mother from all my judgments (Open your fist away from your heart.) and cancel her debt to me. In the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, I cancel all of Satan’s authority over me in these memories because it is forgiven. Amen
If you have a list in the positive column and they are true go on to pray this by adding your list.
Thank you Father God for my natural mother (mother figure), because she was able to love me in these ways_________. I ask that You Father would bless her.
Finish by praying:
Holy Spirit I ask that you give me new words to describe You and a sensation of Your presence with new intimacy with You. I receive these from You now.
John 20:22 And with that He breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit . . .” NIV
I know this has been quite a journey for you, breathe in, breathe out. Allow the Holy Spirit to wash you clean and restore you to wholeness. Take as long as possible to wait upon the Lord for His presence to come.Wait, wait, wait.
When you feel His presence lift you can Click HERE for a closing Prayer.
Now go and Rejoice in your Freedom!!
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