Saturday, January 22, 2011


Before we start, ask someone you know to be praying for you as you go through this process. Click HERE to go to an Opening Prayer.

With this first step in SOZO (see A Bit of Personal History for an introduction to SOZO) I’ll first lead you through a series of questions to get you thinking and feeling.

As you read the following questions you will need pencil, pen and paper to write down your thoughts and feelings, so that we can come back to your descriptions and memories further on. Plus if you are journaling, this will give you a record of your healing.

Choose several or all of the following questions to describe your relationship with either Father God, your natural father or the main authority male figure in your life as you were growing up (i.e. stepfather, uncle, pastor, youth leader, etc.)

Often times just thinking about these memories can bring on strong emotions so take your time and be as honest with yourself as you can. If you are feeling anxious be sure you take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly. Have a glass of water nearby so can start flushing out any toxins that get released through this process.

(Remember God loved you even through your painful past and He loves you right now.)

What do you think of Father God or your natural father, or the main authority male figure in your life as you were growing up (i.e. stepfather, uncle, pastor, youth leader, etc.)?

How do you see him? Is he close or distant? Is he smiling or stern?

What do you feel in his presence?

What do you think he thinks of you?

What was your relationship with your father or male authority figure

like as you were growing up? What is it like now?

Describe your most painful and/or positive experience with your father (father figure).

Okay, are you ready to go on?

Read back over what you have written down. Now take a red pen or pencil, go back over it and circle every word that has a negative description to it. Examples would be: mean, never there for me, hit me, sexually or verbally abused me, etc.

Now go back over your answers to the questions a second time using a blue pen or pencil and circle all of the positive descriptive words, fun times, supportive, etc.

On a separate piece of paper make 2 columns, one titled Negative and the other one Positive. Under the Negative column list all of the words circled in red that described your relationship with your father, Father God or main male authority figure in your life.

Now do the same in the Positive column with the words you circled in blue.

Most people’s lists have more words in one column than the other, this is normal.

Now I want you to just get up, stretch and drink some water.

Alright let’s get back to this, have your paper that has the 2 columns of words on it in front of you.

Just quickly read through the following prayer of forgiveness once. Now I want you to put whatever you called your father (male authority figure) (example, Dad) in the prayer where it says natural father (father figure) and then in the area after the word “for” insert the list of negative words in your column.

Make a fist of one of your hands and place it over your heart. Now pray this prayer.

Heavenly Father I choose to forgive my natural father (father figure) for ___________.

I forgive him for misrepresenting You Father God by treating me in ways that You would not.

I cancel all his debts and obligations to me and I release him from my judgment. Open your fist away from your heart.

I renounce the lie and stronghold that my Heavenly Father is like my natural father (father figure).

I receive the truth that God my Heavenly Father loves me just as I am.

I receive the truth that God my Heavenly Father will take care of me and He is a very safe Father.

He brings security, protection and provision into all the broken places of my heart. My Heavenly Father will provide for every single one of my needs.

I command every shattered place in my heart and my true identity to come into wholeness NOW in the Name of Jesus Christ.

If you have a list in the positive column and they are true go on to pray this by adding your list.

Thank you Father God for my natural father (authority figure), because he was able to love me in these ways_______. I ask that You would bless him.

Heavenly Father I ask that you give me new words and mental pictures to describe You and I receive these new words and pictures of You now.

Click HERE to go to a Closing Prayer.

Now go and Rejoice in your Freedom!

(Feel free to make comments I will respond as soon as possible!)

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Bit of Personal History

When I first started on this Inner Healing journey I went to a school in Redding CA at Bethel Church. They have a ministry called SOZO meaning total healing spirit, soul and body. As a nurse I believe that is what we need to sustain a healthy life.

Most everything related to Inner Healing has these components: forgiveness, repentance and cessation (stopping) from harmful and/or sinful behaviors (internal as well as external). There are many ways to accomplish Inner Healing (which is what this website is about).


I was pretty convinced that I personally didn’t need inner healing, because 1) I’d been a Christian for many years and I looked pretty good from the outside. 2) I had worked as a psychiatric nurse on an inpatient ward and believed that they, the patients, were what it looked like if you were in real need of inner healing. This is to just name a few of the false beliefs I held. Needless to say, denial is an interesting coping mechanism and it is not always a healthy one.

In order to take the class at Redding all attendees had to go through a SOZO ministry session prior to going to the classes. That is probably where I first realized I had some pretty big issues that needed healing (Duh!).

In the next few blogs I’ll be leading you through what I learned from SOZO and how to get started on your inner healing journey.

This link will get you to the SOZO Bethel site if you are in the area and want a live inner healing session.

For those of you that are leading others through an Inner Healing journey, this link will get you to some great resource for SOZO.